The www.marylandaa,org website, along with other technological tools and platforms, are the Area’s primary communication tools within the fellowship and the service structure. The Technology Committee works to utilize information technology solutions in carrying the message of Alcoholics Anonymous and in facilitating the work of Area 29, as well as providing guidance to the service structure of the Area on technology related matters.


Technology Committee Chair (eligible to vote in the Area Committee and Area Assembly) and Co-Chair (votes when Chair is absent)
Webmaster and Co-Webmaster (position(s) may be filled by special workers where appropriate)
Technology Committee Members

Duties and Responsibilities of the Technology Committee Chair: appointed by the Area Chairperson for a term of two years, beginning in January of the even-numbered years

  • Forms a working committee of A.A. members to assist in carrying out the performance of these responsibilities
  • Attends the Area Assembly and Area Committee meetings
  • Coordinate and manages the work of the Technology Committee
  • Ensures payments of fees associated with the website are made on time regarding domain registration, web hosting, etc.
  • Maintains and monitors contracts and registrations for hardware, software, ISP agreements and all applicable licenses
  • Performs all duties in accordance with the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts for World Service and the A.A. Guidelines on the Internet (Form MG-18);
  • Monitors all license agreements to ensure they are current and there are no lapses in coverage (user must inform Technology Committee of upcoming license agreement expirations)
  • Maintains and administers all collaborative software solutions for use by the Area Committee and
  • Prepares the annual Technology Committee budget request, with collaboration from the Webmaster, to be submitted to the Finance Committee in the fall of each year
  • May attend service functions or events as listed on the page entitled “Expense Reimbursement for Area Officers and Committee Chairs” at the end of this Handbook and request reimbursement as provided in the Area 29 Budget for this committee and approved by the Area Assembly each year
  • Attends one or more Conference Agenda Review Committee (“CARC”) meetings and the Area Mini-Conference
  • Is encouraged to write and submit service-related articles for the Area Newsletter

Purpose and Duties:

  • The primary purpose of this service committee is to set policy and guidelines for the content and structure of the MGS Area 29 website, as well as any additional and future use of electronic and other communication technologies, ensuring that the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts are followed
  • Provide consultation, information, direction, and support to Committees, Districts, Groups, and Members of Area 29 in the use of new and existing technologies, to better carry the message within the Twelve Traditions
  • Implement and maintain new technologies that facilitate the use of technology for information exchange and storage, committee collaboration, data sharing, event registration, and e-commerce
  • Maintain a current inventory of the location and condition of MGS owned technology equipment, software, and computer related manuals and documentation
  • Ensure that the website (and any other public-facing Area 29 websites) are functional and available to carry the message of Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Facilitate the Hybrid portions of Area Assembly and Area Committee Meetings
  • Ensure that Area 29 Panel, Board, and Committee e-mail addresses ( are operational and maintained
  • Collaborate with the registrar, as appropriate, to maintain the Area email distribution list
  • Perform all maintenance and administrative duties on the shared Area platform (e.g., Office 365) for the use of the Area 29 Panel, Board, and Committee
  • Provide training and tutorials to members of the Panel, Board, and Committee on Area technological resources;
  • Develop informed budget recommendations for the technology requirements of Area 29

Duties and Responsibilities of the Webmaster – As a member of the Technology Committee, the Webmaster is appointed by the Technology Committee Chair, in consultation with the Area Chairperson, for a term of two years, beginning in January of even numbered years. The two year term may be renewed at the end of the first term, for the purpose of website development continuity, or for the training of a new Webmaster.

  • May attend service functions or events as provided in the Technology Committee budget approved by the Area Assembly each year
  • Performs all duties in accordance with the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, Twelve Concepts for World Service and the A.A. Guidelines on the Internet (MG-18)
  • Provides and maintains an Area 29 website for the posting of general information regarding Alcoholics Anonymous and information specific to Area 29, which includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Calendar of Area 29 events, which includes Recognized Service Entities, Districts, and Intergroup events
    2. Delegate Reports
    3. Agenda and directions to upcoming Area Assembly and Committee meetings
    4. Maryland General Service contact information
    5. The Area 29 MARGENSER newsletter
    6. Contact information for Intergroups within Area 29
    7. Information about the Area 29 service structure, including Committees and Districts
    8. Links to A.A. World Services, Inc. and the A.A. Grapevine, Inc.
    9. Information on Area 29 Conventions, Conference Agenda Review Committees (CARCs) and the Area Mini-Conference
  • Maintains and monitors the website, in coherence with the Website Guidelines, including but not limited to:
    1. Designs, writes, tests and implements code (HTML, JAVA, etc.) for the website
    2. Includes informative comments in code to ensure proper transfer of knowledge to the next Webmaster
    3. Tests all links to ensure they are live and repairs or disables broken links
    4. Maintains backup files of the website in a secondary location (external hard drive, etc.) at least once a month
    5. Has a working knowledge of current Web Creations software
    6. Keeps software and language current, as needed, and within budgetary guidelines
    7. Provides anonymity protected e-mail forwarding for all members of the Area Committee, including Area officers, Committee Chairs and Co-Chairs, District Committee Members (DCMs) and Alternate DCMs, and the immediate Past Delegate
    8. Monitors contracts and registrations for hardware, software, ISP agreements and all applicable licenses regarding the MGS website
    9. Researches new service providers as needed
    10. Collaborates with Technology Committee Chairperson to formulate an informed technology related annual budget
    11. Turns over any purchased hardware or software to incoming Webmaster when position is vacated